Student-Led Minecraft Server



With a Minecraft server specifically tailored for RGU, we have something for everyone...

Many Worlds

With the 4 worlds available today, you're sure to find your thing from: Survival, Creative, Parkour, or just hang out in the Lobby.


Meet like-minded students. Build a base, face the Ender Dragon alone or as a team. Share creations on the Online Maps without running the game. Run by students for students.

Cross-platform Play

Play using the Java edition or Bedrock edition together. Find out more about the Bedrock Compatibility Layer so you can use the device that suits you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our History

How did we get here? Let us show you:

Our Humble Beginnings

March 2020

Our Humble Beginnings

During the first COVID-19 pandemic lockdown, the team at the RGU Computing Society wanted to help keep the RGU community together by creating a Minecraft server to bring everyone together with some community fun and games. It was a great success and could be even better with more computing resources. For more details check out the press release and this RGVIEW blog post .

The First Crisis - Hot Lava Stand

September 2021

The First Crisis - Hot Lava Stand

While the Minecraft Server provided a community space for many, it appears not everyone saw it that way. In a malicious act to sabotage server, player(s) burned the starting area to the ground using buckets of Lava, killing any new players who join the world. Taking it one step further, deploying an army of bobbing armour stands in water to render the server unplayable with lag. Thus, rendering the server inaccessible to all. The server was closed, the Saboteur(s) score 2 points, until next time...

Game Time - A new World

February 2023

Game Time - A new World

Armed with the knowledge of how to bring a server down and combat it, we have turned the new server up to 11 this year with the launch of the RGUCraft network. Now with a larger pre-rendered survival world to keep gameplay running smoothly, Bedrock edition compatibility, and player land claim. Using high performance infrastructure with 9✕ more memory over 3✕ compute power allows for even more players than before!

Volunteering Project of the Year

March 2023

Volunteering Project of the Year

At RGU Union's Student Achievement Awards (SAA), RGUCraft won Volunteering Project of the Year recognising the significant volunteering effort by all who make the project possible against the three other amazing projects: RGUHack, 'Hope' by RGU Christian Union and Kaim Shop. To recognise this great achievement, the award trophy is to be built in the Creative world.

Learn more about the Student Achievement Awards

New Season

February 2024

New Season

On Wednesday the 12th of February 2024, we soft-relaunched RGUCraft with 15 players from the Gaming and Computing societies in Minecraft 1.21.4 to explore the "The Garden Awakens" update. With this relaunch came a new website and increased server capacity as well as reduced maintenance complexity in the back. This is our largest update to the server to date, and we're excited to run more fun events in these new lands in the future!

We Need You


We Need You

We need your help to promote RGUCraft to as many students as possible. As students run RGUCraft for students, we rely on your support to share it with the RGU community. You can also encourage your favourite Societies , Interest Groups , and others to get involved by sharing this website with them. Together we can build anything, from all the country flags of RGU students to so much more!


A special thanks to all our sponsors who make all of this possible:

Computing Society

Development and Infrastructure

Gaming Society

Community & Gameplay Support


Community Support

RGU: Union

Project Oversight & Data Protection