RGUCraft Help Center

Note: This feature is in Beta, please send any feedback in our Discord server, thanks!

Getting Started

How to join on Java Edition

A guide demonstrating how to connect to RGUCraft on Minecraft Java Edition

How to join on Bedrock Edition

A guide demonstrating how to connect to RGUCraft on Minecraft Java Edition

Authenticating as an RGU Student

A guide demonstrating how to log into RGUCraft for the first time.

Can my non-RGU friend join me?

Information about inviting non-RGU students as guests.

How to use in-game voice chat

Information about the mod you need to install to access in-game voice chat.


How do I move quickly between servers?

Guidance for the /server command

How do I teleport around the world?

A list of all the ways to teleport.

Creative World

Getting Started with Plots

A guide to claiming plots on the creative server.

General Plot Management

A summary of the important commands for managing your plots.

Plot Permissions

A guide to plot protection and permissions.

Plot Backups

A short introduction to protecting your builds from accidents.

Survival World

How do I claim land?

A guide to claiming your builds on the survival server.

What Mods are Installed?

Information about what mods we have on RGUCraft.