
How do I move quickly between servers?

You can move between servers using the /server command.

The list of possible servers are:

/server lobbyReturn to the Lobby world
/server survivalTeleport to the Survival world
/server creativeTeleport to the Creative world
/server parkourTeleport to the Parkour world

Do note that when we are performing maintenance, some of these servers may not allow you to travel to them.

How do I teleport around the world?

Note: This applies only to Creative and Survival currently.

Desired EffectCommand
Teleport to the world spawn/spawn
Return to last place before teleportation or death/back
Teleport to a player/tpa <player-name>
Teleport a player to me/tpahere <player-name>
List the available warps/warplist
Warp to a public location/warp <name>
Mark a home location/sethome <optional-name>
Teleport to a home/home <optional-name>