Before getting into claiming plots, we'll explain what is enabled on the Creative server.
command.To claim a creative plot, you can either go to an unclaimed plot and run /plot claim
-or- run /plot auto
to be automatically taken to a free plot.
⚠️ Warning about merged plots: You are unable to access "Plot Backups" when you merge plots together. If you want to make use of backups to prevent mistakes, please avoid merging plots together.
If you own adjacent plots, you can merge these plots together by standing in the first block and running /plot merge
To un-merge these plots, you can run /plot unlink
, looking in the direction you'd like to un-merge.
If you want to wipe a plot clear and start again, you can run /plot clear
It is advisable to create a plot backup first in case you decide this was a mistake later.
If you decide you no longer want a plot, you can run /plot delete
while standing in the plot you no longer want.
Do note that this action is completely irreversible, so please be sure before deleting a plot.
Power Users: If you want a full-fledged walkthrough of all of the possible commands, visit the PlotSquared wiki!
You can name a plot using /plot name set <name>
You can change the plot biome using the command: /plot biome <desired-biome>
You can mark plots as a home plot using the following command: /plot set home
To clear your home and default back to the center spawn plot, use /plot set home none
Then, you can teleport to your home plot, optionally teleporting to a numbered or named home:
/plot home
/plot home <number>
/plot home <name>
You can visit another player's plot by name using the /plot visit <player-name>
It is also possible to cycle through multiple plots by including the plot number after their name.
You can change the entire floor of your plot using /plot set floor <block>
and the border blocks with /plot set border <block>
Be careful to avoid /plot set outline <block>
unless you really mean to use it, it will encase the entire plot in the selected block.
You can add an "Added" player to give permission to build in your plot, but only while you are online.
To add a player, you can run /plot add <player>
To remove them again, you can run /plot remove <player>
If you trust the player to build while offline, you can use /plot trust <player>
Removing players is the same as "Added" players.
If you want to ban a player from entering your plot, you can run /plot ban <player>
To kick a player out of your plot, run /plot kick <player>
⚠️ Merged plots do not support backups!
Plot backups are generally taken when performing a bulk action (such as changing the floor or border blocks), but you can also choose to create a backup by running /plot backup save
You can then use /plot backup list
to view all of your backups, and /plot backup load
to load a backup.