Survival World

How do I claim land?

Using the GriefPrevention land claim system, you can protect your build, base, chests and more from other players while allowing your friends to use it the same way you do.

Example protections provided:

  • Blocks: Unbreakable, including by TNT.
  • Chests: Locked
  • Doors and Gates: Locked

YouTube guide:

The following video tutorial shows you how to create a claim in under 30 seconds.

Use the /kit claim command to receive a free golden shovel and stick.

Share your Claim

Use these commands to share your claim with other players, and be in control of what they can do:

/accesstrustDoors & Gates
/containertrustChests & Mobs
/permissiontrustClaim Management

To see the list of players that can access your claim, use the /trustlist command. The full list of commands is available here.

If you get stuck inside of someone's claim, use the /spawn command to teleport to the world's spawn.

What Mods are Installed?


  • Vanilla Tweaks
    • Solidify concrete and and make mud in a cauldron with water in it
    • Make nether portals in any shape and use crying obsidian too
    • Shulkers always drop 2 shells
    • The ender dragon drops a dragon egg & elytra on death
    • Leaves decay faster
    • Glass drops without silk touch
    • Blocks which have no effective tool have been given one
    • Mobs and players can drop heads when killed by another player
  • Terralith (with structures removed)
  • Dungeons and Taverns (enchantments removed)
  • Dungeons and Taverns Ancient City Overhaul
  • Dungeons and Taverns Outpost Overhaul
  • Dungeons and Taverns Stronghold Overhaul
  • Dungeons and Taverns Swamp Hut Overhaul

Gameplay Plugins

  • In-Game Proximity Chat (see here for more details)
  • Grief Prevention (Claims System)
  • PlayerKits2 (provides a kit for the claim items)
  • Sit - allows sitting on stairs and slabs.
  • Husk Homes (see here for more details).